Adult Faith Groups
We are proud to offer several Adult bible study and engagement groups here at St Paul. Most groups meet for several sessions throughout the year and anyone can join a new session as it starts.
- Sunday Study: Meets every Sunday before worship, 8:30am-9:30am.
- Monday Night Bible Study: Meets in the Fireside Lounge from 7pm-8:30pm on Mondays. Programs are usually 10 weeks long.
- DISCIPLE Bible Study: A life-changing 33-week overview of the Bible offered roughly every other year. This course is taught by Pastor Bill and usually meets once a week in the evening for 2.5 hours. Classes are usually between 10-12 people. Registration and a small purchase of course materials is required.
- Women's Bible Study: Meets weekly on Thursdays at 10am for sessions of 4 weeks at a time. There's always new and exciting session topics.
- Women's Book Club: Meets semi-regulary on weekday evenings during the month, depending on the book.